I have found myself thinking a lot about fate since my palm reading the other day. While I never have wholeheartedly believed in fate, I studied religion at university and always enjoyed the idea, the spirituality around it and found it almost, comforting; I feel comforted that I have some sort of destiny…which according to Ketut, is quite good.
I would love to believe that if I follow my passion and heart, that life will turn out well for me. My instrincts will lead me in the right direction when I am faced with a decision. However, according to many Eastern faiths, fate means not having a choice in many matters, you are not leading your footsteps, some greater power has that control. So, if my fate reads that I will turn out to be successful – then does that mean that I should take all of those calculated risks involved in following my heart to a career with little security? (To clarify, I am thinking about a career path that may be quite risky…monetarily speaking)
What I have decided is that, if I am to believe in fate…which I am just playing with at this time, then, I believe that fate is driven by ones own instinct. At each crossroad, you should consider the risk but lead with your heart. There is no right answer to which direction you should have chosen, but having the confidence to listen to your gut is what you need to stear your own fate and earn what you work for.
Hmmm - good thinking. I ask whether there is a difference between "luck" and "fate"? If "luck" is defined as the "place where preparation meets opportunity" then perhaps "opportunity" is the part determined by "fate". It still leaves the question of "preparation" which is something that we personally control. There is no substitute for it that I know of. In the process of "preparation", opportunity (fate) may well be created. Something to think about.