
Bali's Surf Spots

There is nothing more fun than waking up, hopping on your moto and heading to a new break for the day. Here are some of the ones I frequented:

1: Padang Padang: Beautiful little cove but there is no surf in the off season. (Found that out that hard way)

2: Nusa Dua: 5:30am wake up. Amazing surf. Bring reef shoes!!! (Found that one out the hard way as well. Sea urchins are not fun to deal with.) ***The vendors here make THE BEST Gado Gado***

3: New Board purchase!!! EXP...Australia. 6'6", 20", 2.5". Virgin Ride: Discovered spot between Green Ball and The Steps. Drive through the Quarry to a tiny little village and paddle, paddle, paddle out. Only photos can do this place justice.

4: Uluwatu: heaven. It is just perfect here. The hike down the stairs is a bit hectic, but then you are in a cute little beach cove that opens up to the break. Left usually. Its one downfall is all the people, but for a reason. All the little restaurants up top look out over the break and the coast gets the sunset. Go meet a guy named Steve (from U.S who owns a beautiful place that looks out over everything!!!) and Ketut & his gang (the locals who run the show there). Guaranteed great sunset drinks.
Stay at Jacko’s House

5: Steps: Wicked but seriously rough, strong current, and a HUGE hike down a flight of stairs

6: Changgu: Had a great time here. Mark and I switched boards and I had some amazzzing last few rides of Indo on his long board. It’s my understanding that the breaks vary in size greatly depending on the day/month here but there is always a steady ride-able wave. But the area is super cute and the restaurants have GREAT muesli and yoghurt. There are no hostels, only homestays. AVOID HOMESTAYS WITH OVER 4 DOGS!!!

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