
Bangkok, Thailand

On route to Koh Phangan, Mark and I made a stop in Bangkok for the night. Went from the airport to our hostel (definitely the most disgusting I’ve stayed in) just off Koh San, ate Pad Thai on the street (to this day, the best I have had), had a Pancake, and headed to Pat Pong for my first stroll into a Ping Pong Show.
And Ping Pong show it sure was. Upon arrival to our first of 3, we were ushered in under the condition that our first beer would only cost x amount. When asked to buy another drink or pay the bill and get out, the drink was obviously not the price promised. So, we headed out to the next one.

This one was much more eventful. We sat at the table, ordered a beer, halfway through were forced to move back to a table further from the stage. So in order to keep our spot, we bought another drink. Before it touched our lips we were forced to move. About ten minutes later after watching many many vaginal talents that I don’t think I will ever be able to understand, we were again asked to move. This was shortly after I had been shot in the left arm with a wet ping pong ball. And I thought I had earned my position in the bar now. So, upon refusing to move, the lady on stage was called over, sat beside me, legs spread, her ahem aimed towards my head, and threatened to shoot. We were told!

The ladies (?) at the next place insisted that Mark and I both get up on stage to pole dance.

The evening was definitely eventful. Although I spent a lot of the time having hilarious experiences, the whole deal is just depressing. The women just stand there with numbers on them, picking their nails, until it is time for the next set of 8 to take the stage. Watching men walk solo into the places, gawk at the women, choose the number they want and leave with lady on the arm is awful and disturbing.

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