
Ketut Liyer

After reading Gilbert’s book, I felt I had to go and see her infamous, spiritual healer and reader before leaving. It, obviously, turns out to be a load of BS. I suppose you cannot expect much more from a man who people flock to now in the effort to follow the exact footsteps of Gilbert’s liberating journey to escape the miserable life she found herself in. In a way, I don’t blame him for finding a way to make easy money.

Here is what I “learned” about myself:

“Your lifeline is long…yes…very long…you will live until you are 110” (keep in mind, he has no idea how old he is and no perception of how long people live

“You will be successful”

“You will marry twice” (I suppose this wasn’t a typical reading…that one put me off a bit)

Turns out, all of the same predictions were true for Jane’s future as well. Ha. Typical.

Then we paid $20…which for the record, was one of the hardest $20 to pass over…ever.

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