Isla del Sol is said by the Incas to be the birthplace of the sun. This is where all of the sustaining energy of the sun and life force comes from. The people here believe that they have every ability, as all do, to live off this energy forever. Living can be defined as simply as in the hunter-gatherer sense, or as complicated as you wish. Nevertheless, the earth is on an axis and those who understand the earths rotation in relation to the sun are the "enlightened" ones. They live to comprehend the role the sun plays in our lives. In 2012, when the shift in the Universe occurs (as many many theorists have predicted), the magnetic shift/switch that will occur in the earths plates will turn the world around. (Some theorists have taken a less spiritual route to this foresight and predicted a crash and burn of the earths resources, new world wars, etc). In any case, the balance of things will change. According to the Inca´s, those who do not understand the role of the sun and are unable to change their lifestyles accordingly, to relearn how to live on earth, will be lost, stressed and scavenging amongst the land they have overworked. These "englightened" ones, who do understand the earth and the sun, will need to lead the others to comprend why the way they lived before, according to their desires, was not sustainable. This will be the predicted "crashing point" for many cities and countries. For others, this is the long awaited opportunity to make good of what we have exploited. This is our second chance.
The Inca people are believed to be enlightened because they have spent their lives studying the earth´s rotation. They have known about and made sense of this shift that will take place in 2012, and have known about it far longer than any modern "green" theorist. This, the Isla del Sol, the birthplace of the sun, makes it unique becuase this is the point of axis upon which the earth´s plates will shift.
This shift is not something that will be able to be marked by a day, but rather, theorists from all over the world agree that people will notice changes all around them at different points in this year. Atmospheric changes will take place that will cause each of us at one point or another to question the way we live our lives and force us to adjust accordingly to the changes we see.
Believe what you wish...but only time will tell.
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