Not too much to say here but that it was a ‘shit show’ that I enjoyed but was certainly not prepared for in the long run. Immediately upon arrival in the ‘Tuk Truck’ from the bus station, we were soaked with water guns and buckets of water. The first plan of action was to head out to buy a SUPERSOAKER 5000 and then spend our days running around the street getting soaked and spraying fellow festival goers. The festival was fun, but at the end of the 3rd day, let alone the 4th, I was definitely over it.

One relatively cultural experience I had was attending the Muy Thai Boxing. Not really my thing, but it was entertaining. The highlight for most was the fight between two girls, a three man blind fight, and the fight between a 'small' person and a child.

My only real cultural experience in Chang Mai was the public singing of the national anthem in the middle of the market. Everything stopped. The only other time I experienced something like this was in the movie theater in Bangkok. "Long Live the King".

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