The train ride down from Hanoi to Hoi An was nuts. I got the last seat on the train and Jane and I were 2 of 4 white people we saw on the train. My cart, no joke was FULLLL of chickens, kid's colourful character balloons, piercing loud Indian sounding music, broken seats and FAR too many people. So, I found my seat...window side which was the only perk...and was shocked and happy to hear that the old woman in front of my was in the middle of her nightly prayers. Amongst all of the noise, I tuned in over her shoulder and felt surprisingly at ease with the situation I was in. Amongst it all, I was smiling at the whole experience.

The last hilarious part was the Karaoke that was taking place in the munching cart. It was amazing...and very serious - Jane and I contained our laughter.

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