
What's your word?

After finishing "Eat, Pray, Love" (a book I have mixed feelings about), I was drawn back to a question Gilbert was asked within: "What is your word". Ones word is a word that represents who you are, what your beliefs are, your mentality, etc. Your word can be faith, power, sex, fun, confidence, etc.

So after thinking for a while about what i truly believe in, what motivates me and what gives me my daily energy, the word is 'Action'. In reflection of the things I have accomplished in my life and in thinking about my mental state of mind on the regular, I am constantly in action. I believe truly, that if you want something, you can do what it takes to get it. If you have a dream, follow it. If you are chasing something, the only way to catch it is to get into gear. I am not someone and have never been someone who has yearned over what I wanted or watched opportunities pass me by.

Strive everyday to seize the moments as they are presented and act when you have the energy and passion. Its your life, take control of it and make what you want happen.

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