While religion is something I do not practice, a gift given to me before I left for this year was a pendant of Saint Christopher. The story could not have provided a more spiritual embarkment…
The popular and best known history of Saint Christopher is as the patron saint of travelers. Born in Canaan, he was a powerfully built man who wandered the world in search of novelty and adventure.
Christopher was baptized and decided to spend his life in the service of Christ by serving others. He searched for a way to help others that would use his great strength. The legend goes on to explain that since the hermit lived beside a dangerous stream that frequently drowned those trying to cross it, Christopher decided to be a porter and guide across the stream.
One day he carried a small child across the stream. The child’s weight nearly crushed him. When they arrived on the other side, the child revealed himself as Christ, and explained he was so heavy because he bore the weight of the world. Some versions of the legend say the Christ-Child Himself baptized Offero with water from the stream. The saint then took a new name: Christopher meaning Christ-bearer. Christopher’s service at the stream led to his patronage of things related to travel and travelers. (Toronto. 10.11.09)